Atlanta Dog Bite Lawyers

Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend, but unfortunately, dog bite injuries happen daily throughout Atlanta. According to the American Veterinary Association, millions of people suffer from dog bites annually. Reconstructive surgery is required in 30,000 of those victims to repair the damage done in the attack.

If you live in the Atlanta area and have suffered injuries from a dog bite, you may be able to file a claim for damages. Contact the experts at Family Matters Law Group as soon as possible for a consultation. One of our Atlanta personal injury attorneys can provide you peace of mind and advise you whether you may be able to receive compensation for your injuries after this traumatic event.


Family Matters Law Group Can Handle Your Dog Bite Case

At Family Matters Law Group, we understand how scary a dog bite injury can be. Likewise, we know how frightening it can be to deal with legal proceedings after an attack. Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult, especially if you’re not knowledgeable about dog bite laws in Georgia. It would help if you didn’t face the complex laws alone. 

We can assist you in your dog bite case if you were attacked in any of these Atlanta locations:

  • South Bend Dog Park.
  • Atlanta Memorial Park.
  • Freedom Barkway Dog Park.
  • Piedmont Dog Park.

Your dog bite doesn’t have to have occurred in a public area. You may also be entitled to compensation if you were bitten on private property. 

The attorneys at Family Matters Law Group can provide you with the expert legal advice and representation that you deserve for your personal injury claim. With our experience, we can guide you in the right direction and help you seek financial compensation for your injuries. Contact us today to get your case reviewed and see how we can help you.

How a Dog Bite Attorney From FMLG Can Help

A dog bite attorney from our office can properly investigate your case and the circumstances surrounding it. Investigations typically include:

  • Examine the location of the attack.
  • Gather your medical records to show the extent of your injuries.
  • Interview any witnesses of the attack.
  • Look into the dog owner and the animal's history to see if there have been any past instances of dangerous or aggressive behavior.

We will also handle the negotiations and help you get a settlement covering your damages. You’ll be kept up-to-date throughout the entire process so that you’re knowledgeable about your case.

Georgia Dog Bite Law

The owner of a dangerous or vicious dog may be held liable for damage done to a person in an unprovoked attack. In Georgia, a dog is considered vicious if it cannot be controlled, while in a locality, that requires dogs to be on a leash or restraint. Dog owners must carry a $50,000 liability insurance policy to cover injuries that a vicious or dangerous dog may cause.

Atlanta Owner Liability for Vicious or Dangerous Dogs

Most states have laws that are in place to hold dog owners responsible for certain damages that are caused by their pets, including bites. The Responsible Dog Owner Act in Georgia states that the owner is responsible for dog bites under certain conditions.graph

Georgia Owner Knowledge Liability

In Georgia, if you’re bitten by a dog that the owner knew was dangerous or vicious, the owner may be liable for your injuries. In your case, you must prove that the owner was negligent by allowing it to be near people despite the requirement to restrain the animal or by knowing that the dog is a threat.

Some people state that there is a “first free bite rule” when it comes to the dog liability concept, but this is not entirely accurate. Despite common assumptions, the dog ( or the owner) does not get a “free” bite with no liability. However, after a dog bites someone, it can be labeled as vicious or dangerous, then even stricter requirements will be applied to the dog and the owner

Compensation for an Atlanta Dog Bite

Each dog bite case is different, and the laws surrounding dog attacks in Georgia and the city of Atlanta can be confusing without the proper knowledge. You may be entitled to compensation depending on where the attack occurred, the type of property involved, and who is deemed liable. You can seek compensation from private property or business insurance policies for your dog bite.

Private Property Insurance
If someone has a dog and they bite you on their personal property, their renters or homeowners insurance is your compensation's first and primary source. These are the most common sources, but they’re not the only ones. A dog bite lawyer in Atlanta will know what other possible sources to look for to get you compensation from the dog owner.

While most homeowners carry homeowners insurance policies, only some policies will provide coverage for a dog bite, especially if the dog is on the list of excluded dog breeds. If the owner was prudent and knew they were housing a dangerous dog, they have a liability policy to cover attacks. 

Business Owners

If you were attacked or bitten by a dog at a place of business, you could file a compensation claim. Some businesses have guard dogs to protect their premises or belongings, while others may allow employees to bring their pets to work. These businesses may have liability insurance policies to compensate visitors who are victims of a bite or attack.

Landlord Dog Bite Liability

If you’re on the property of someone renting from a landlord, you may be wondering if you can hold the dog owner or the landlord or building owner responsible. This can be a particularly sticky situation as there are complex laws surrounding landlord liability. The case of Griffiths v. Rowe Props 2005 helps to demonstrate the difficulties you may find when it comes to suing a landlord for a dog bite attack.

In this case, the tenant's dog had attacked a small child, which resulted in the mother filing a claim against the leasing agent of the building and the dog owner who was renting the property. The courts, in this case, ultimately ended up ruling that the leasing agent was unaware of the aggressive dog and that since the attack took place inside the renter’s apartment, the landlord was not held liable. The apartment was not a common area that the landlord would usually access.

For a landlord to be held responsible for a dog attack, it must be proven that the landlord was previously aware of the dog's aggressiveness. You can also hold them liable if the attack occurs in a shared property area, such as a playground or laundry area.

How Can an Atlanta Dog Bite Attorney Help

In Georgia, you have two years from the date of the dog bite to file a personal injury claim. If a dog has bitten you, you must contact an experienced dog bite lawyer as soon as possible. Delaying filing a claim can make it more challenging to present a strong case.

Your dog bite attorney will require access to all evidence related to your claim, and the longer you wait to contact a lawyer, the harder it can be to gather the evidence and any witness statements. If a dog owner has failed to protect you from their animal, the dog bite lawyers at Family Matters Law Group can fight for justice and compensation to cover your injuries along with your pain and suffering.


Dog bite injuries can be painful physically, but they can also take their toll emotionally. This emotional toll can be even higher if you know the dog owner. People may be tempted to negotiate with the dog owner or their insurance company themselves. We understand that nobody wants to be involved in legal matters with their neighbor or family member, but that doesn’t mean that you should accept less than the compensation you deserve.

FAQs About Atlanta Dog Bites

  • What Is the One Bite Rule in Georgia?

    As mentioned above, the “one-bite rule” does not state that there will be no consequences the first time a dog bites a person. The “one-bite rule” establishes that after a dog bites or attacks a person for the first time, the dog owner must ensure that:

    The dog must be leashed anywhere outside the premises or when not inside a crate. 

    The dog is supervised when around small children or other minors.

    Under the Georgia Responsible Dog Ownership law, a dog is required to be categorized under one of two definitions after the first time they bite someone. The law may label the dog as dangerous if the first bite is not severe but breaks the skin. If a bite occurs for the first time and results in serious injuries, the dog could be categorized as vicious. If a vicious dog attacks someone for a second time, the law can order that the dog be euthanized.

  • What Are the Leash Laws in Atlanta?

    Animals, including dogs, must be at heel or leashed under the owner's control when off of the owner’s premises and within the confines of the city, according to the City of Atlanta’s Municipal Code. This city law obligates the owners of the dogs to supervise and control their dogs’ activities and movements at all times.

    Failure to control a dog in the city of Atlanta can be a violation of Atlanta law. A local dog bite attorney may use this violation to demonstrate that the dog is “vicious” under the Georgia statute definition about dog bites. This would help prove that the dog's owner is liable for any damages done during the attack.

  • What Kind of Compensation Could I Receive For a Dog Bite?

    The type of compensation you could receive for a dog bite depends on the circumstances surrounding your case. Depending on the injuries involved and where the bite took place, two common kinds of financial compensation are available for personal injury. There is also a third possibility if malicious intent can be proven. The two most likely forms will be economic and non-economic damages, with the third possibility of punitive damage.

    Economic Damages

    Economic damages are those tied directly to the financial costs of your injuries. The typical types of economic damages include medical expenses. These expenses may include physical therapy, emergency room treatment, medication, and other follow-up care. The monetary compensation may also cover future medical costs associated with your bite, such as reconstructive surgery.

    If you cannot work while recovering from your injuries, you may also be entitled to compensation for your lost income. Injuries severe enough to prevent you from returning to work permanently may qualify you for compensation for the loss of future income or earning capacity.

    Non-Economic Damages

    Non-economic damages are a form of compensation for pain and suffering resulting from an accident or other damages that are not tied directly to specific financial costs. An Atlanta dog bite lawyer from our team at Family Matters Law Group can fight to help you receive ample compensation for non-financial damages. It’s challenging to find a dollar amount to attach to emotional duress or suffering stemming from dog bite injuries, but with expert help, it is possible. Permanent disfigurement or scarring may also entitle you to non-economic damages.

    Punitive Damages

    Punitive damages are rarely awarded in personal injury cases. However, you may be entitled to punitive damages if it can be proven that the dog owner had malicious intent or meant to cause intentional harm. An experienced attorney will evaluate your case to determine if you qualify.

  • How Can an Atlanta Dog Bite Attorney Help

    In Georgia, you have two years from the date of the dog bite to file a personal injury claim. If a dog has bitten you, you must contact an experienced dog bite lawyer as soon as possible. Delaying filing a claim can make it more challenging to present a strong case.

    Your dog bite attorney will require access to all evidence related to your claim, and the longer you wait to contact a lawyer, the harder it can be to gather the evidence and any witness statements. If a dog owner has failed to protect you from their animal, the dog bite lawyers at Family Matters Law Group can fight for justice and compensation to cover your injuries along with your pain and suffering.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

It’s best to put those personal feelings aside if you’ve been the victim of a dog bite and let an experienced dog bite attorney handle your case. Family Matters Law Group has a team of experienced personal injury attorneys who will advocate for you throughout the legal process and increase your odds of a fair settlement.

If you’ve been the victim of a dog bite attack, call us today at (855) 387-2963 or fill out our secure online form to schedule your consultation. Someone will be available to help you Monday through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and Friday until 1 p.m.

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